Are We In The Last Days

Where do you stand on Christianity? Have you ever wanted to understand the Bible, but have found yourself not really understanding most of it?  Have you ever wondered what God's will is for your life? What about the rapture, the Anti-Christ, the Mark, and the 144,000. Will there be an end of time? Is there life after death, a place called heaven and a place called hell?

The Prize Unfolding comes highly recommended to answer the above and many more questions pertaining to current teachings within the Christian worldview, speaking boldly the words of Father from His Holy Word.

This book offers wisdom, the truth of the Scriptures and understanding of God, His purpose and position. This book is truly an amazing adventure through the Scriptures, revealing that God’s purpose is much more glorious than you could have ever imagined. 

Order your copy of The Prize Unfolding at Amazon in both paperback and Kindle Edition. You may also get your copy at Barnes and Noble and other fine online bookstores.