Showcase Your Christian Book Release

Christian Author Lynnie Lang 
One body, many members. 

My Testimonial of the wonderful assistance received from CBM 

I guess I would begin with the surprising email I received from Smitty. It felt personal and to the point. I had two books already published, yet was at a standstill on what and how to do anything else with them. I had many questions, fears, apprehensions, and doubts about doing anything online. Never mind not knowing how to do marketing or distributing was definitely holding me back! 

Smitty was patient with me, and simply and precisely explained each step to
be taken to introduce me as a Christian Author. He not only answered all my questions, but relieved all anxieties; and I began to experience an excitement I thought I would never get back again! Thank you, Smitty, for your encouragement and patiently helping me take the next steps. ~ God bless you and CBM