Why Did God send His Son Into The World

John 3:17 For God did not send His Son into the world to con­demn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.  God does not condemn you because of His great love.
Jesus does not condemn you because He came to give you life. 

You receive condemnation (John 3:15-21) only when you refuse to accept the only plan that God has for salvation, which is receiving Jesus as your personal Savior and living for Him.  

From the very beginning, God decided that those who came to Him, should become like His Son. He wanted the Son to be the first, with many brothers. God was the one who chose you, and then called you to come to Him. He declares you “not guilty,” because of your trust in the salvation provided by His Son. God fills you with Christ’s goodness, gives you right standing with Himself, and promises you will reign with Him.