Christian Worldview - The Gospel Basics


“Wise men should not boast of their wisdom, nor strong men of their strength, nor rich men of their wealth.  If anyone wants to boast, he should boast that he knows and understands me, because my love is constant, and I do what is just and right. These are the things that please me.  (Jeremiah 9: 23-24)


A worldview is a particular philosophy of life or a perception of the world based on one’s values and convictions.  For example, a two-year old believes he’s the center of the world, an atheist believes that this world is all there is, and a Buddhist believes that he can be liberated from all this life’s desires and escape suffering by finding Nirvana.


A Christian worldview provides the foundation to understand the world and all of its complexities from God’s perspective and guides the Christian to live according to God’s will. What you believe becomes the driving force behind every emotion, decision, and action.


According to the Barna Research Group, only 4% of Americans have a Biblical worldview. The devastating results from a secular worldview are witnessed every day in the news headlines by immorality, broken families, wasted lives, and a loss of hope in the future.


Non-biblical worldviews bombard us daily from television, radio, film, music, magazines, books, academia, and the internet.  Because we live in a fallen world, these ideas seductively appeal to our flesh and we often end up incorporating them into our daily lives without ever realizing it.


The basic premise of a Christian worldview is that absolute truth exists and that the triune God is the source of all truth as revealed in the person of Jesus Christ, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, or through the inerrant Word of God. 

Sanctify them by means of the truth; Your Word is truth. (John 17:17)

In this day of moral relativism, it’s ever more important to hold onto a Christian worldview which believes that God is in control of ALL situations (good and bad), and that He works all things for good.   This doesn’t mean that bad things won’t happen to good people.  It does mean that the Christian, who faces life’s storms, will hold on to the Christian worldview and have Jesus as their cornerstone to get them through any occurrence.

The Christian worldview believes in Creationism, a purpose in our existence, and life after death.  It believes that eternal salvation cannot be earned through works, but through faith, alone, in Jesus Christ.

Additional References: Romans 12:2, Colossians 2:8, 1 John 2:15

Christian Worldview - The Gospel Basics

The Sons of Light vs. The Sons of Darkness - America At War 2024-2026

 In Genesis God declares that He created the sun and the moon for signs. On April 8, 2024, is the Great American Eclipse that crosses over the United States on the first day of the Hebrew month of Nisan (Passover). This was the same first day of the three days of darkness that occurred during the original plagues in Egypt. This solar eclipse is a HEAVENLY sign from the Creator which will be the starting gun for a series of wars over the next several years, including the final war against Amalek which is represented today by Radical Islam - Iran and its Hamas, Hezbollah, Isis, the Islamic Jihad, the Houthis and, some of which, are already attacking US soldiers and facilities in Iraq and Syria almost daily. In this book you'll find every Shemitah Cycle and Jubilee Cycle from the Creation of the World until today. You'll see the timing of major biblical and important historical events.

From Fear To Faith - A Highly Recommended Book

Pre-Deployment Guidebook from a Christian's Perspective
Author: Brad D. Nelson PhD

Whether you and your family are experienced deployers or first-timers, deployments are arguably one of the most challenging and unsettling experiences you’ll ever have. As exemplary of a job the military does to prepare servicemembers and their families for both the knowns and the unknowns, only God, who knows the end from the beginning, and the best and safest route for us to take, can bridge the gap between human limitation and the miraculous, from unbridled anxiety to a peace that surpasses all understanding.

Walk with me through this unrestrained guidebook as I share mine and my family’s journey from fear to faith, from skepticism to divine perspective and awe. Suggestions are provided on how to process the announcement, informing loved ones, understanding the cycle of emotions, getting one’s affairs in order, and a host of other invaluable insights. Bottom line up front: Don’t leave home without Christ!

Brad D. Nelson, Ph.D., is from Hillsboro, OH, and is a 2023 Marquis Who's Who Listee and active-duty Air Force officer assigned to Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio. Mr. Nelson is active in his church and community, a "Big Brother" for Big Brothers, Big Sisters of America, and an impassioned advocate for improving the plight of Returning Citizens. His favorite Old Testament scripture is, "The fruit of righteousness is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise" (Proverbs 11:30). Mr. Nelson and his wife (Amanda) call the Dayton, Ohio, area home.

You may get your copy of Pre-Deployment Guidebook from a Christian's Perspective at Amazon or in Kindle as a download. Be sure to visit the author at God's Guidance on the Battlefield.

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Paul Matte.

Christian Author Jeff Mootz

A Must-Read Highly Recommended Book!

Christian Author Jeff Mootz teaches pivotal, individual discipleship and intimacy with Jesus through a comprehensive step-by-step guide in Going Deeper that includes an 8-Step Module. 

Personally interactive (also for small groups, churches, or prayer groups), this incredible book is an easy-to-read and practical guidebook that gives readers the “how to” come close to encountering Jesus! 

This is what we are all longing for. We are taught that prayer is communion with God. However, how many really do encounter the One and True Living God? This is a book that will help readers go deeper into praise, worship, and the Word, leading to encountering Jesus and the Holy Spirit. This book will lead to a genuine and deeper relationship with Jesus and mentor many spiritual mothers and fathers. 

Each module has been developed with practical reading assignments and prayer assignments. This is also an intimate discipleship tool for those who desire to become spiritual mentors. Within this book, he builds a structure that will take time through the 8 Prayer Modules of Spiritual Planning, Friendship with God, Meditation, Praying in the Spirit, Deliverance, Bible Study, Fasting, and the Throne Room ushering in a Biblical and passionate study guide bringing firm dedication to the Lord with a heart of full surrender. 

Challenging readers to look at certain heart issues brings a commitment that stems from a loving relationship with encountering Jesus. These steps are fostered on a daily basis. Communication and friendship flow with the Holy Spirit. Readers not only encounter the Lord but hear from Him themselves. This is truly an amazing study guide!

Jeff Mootz is a seasoned prayer minister and pastor with over 16 years of experience in leadership with a degree from the International House of Prayer in Kansas City. This book comes highly recommended for those that want to “go deeper” and truly know the will of the Lord and better understand His Word, and also for those that truly desire to be led by the Holy Spirit, to include the discovery of their own giftings in the Lord.

Additionally, this study guide, Going Deeper: 40-Week Discipleship Guide to Encountering Jesus is a well-balanced book that brings enrichment and knowledge to the soul through the daily Bible study, tears down strongholds and blockages of the enemy, and so much more…leading to blessings. 

“To Know Him is to love Him, to serve Him is to obey Him and only those that follow Him will be those that become spiritual mothers and fathers disciplining others and their children in the Lord.  A CBM Christian Book Review ~ 10.0 out of 10.0+ stars

Order your copy of Going Deeper: 40-Week Discipleship Guide to Encountering Jesus at Amazon. For more information about the author and his ministry visit Prayer DiscipleshipYou may also order your copy of Jeff's Mootz book directly from the author at Going Deeper and at The Prayer Discipleship Shop where you can also find more information about The Going Deeper Course.

And Jesus Said, Love One Another

  A Must Read - Giving God Love To Others is a great book for every Christian and every Christian leader. It is a book that talks about how important it is to show the love of God. So often as Christians, our behavior does not reflect the love behavior that God wants us to show. 

We sometimes are unaware that we are out of line with the way we are reacting or behaving toward others. This book addresses the importance of taking the time to assure that we show this love behavior and it outlines scripture in a way that we can stay on track.

You may get your copy of
Giving God's Love To Others at Amazon.

Be sure to visit the author at
Arlette Thomas-Fletcher

An Excellent Choice For Christian Science Fiction

 A Must Read Book

Saving Christ - Starway Seven

Saving Christ is a love story between Jesus and a modern-day woman sent back in time. Time travel sends the woman to the last seven days of Jesus’ life from a modern viewpoint.

Get your copy of Saving Christ: Starway Seven at Amazon and in Kindle as a download.

For more information about Author Francis T. Perry Williams
 JC Time Travel.

Available In Kindle As A Download

 There is a gap in our gospel that is creating an environment of division along the lines of race, class, ethnicity, culture, language, age, and socio-economic status. But deep down in the core of our being is a VIP Light that wants to shine to bring the broken pieces together. Songs have been composed about it; sonnets and poems have been written about it; philosophers have pondered on it; and prophets have spoken of it. 

The cross section of humanity in all social structures of women, children, and men from all cultures, languages, and color cry for this light to shine. If this light is to break out and pierce the pockets of darkness in all our social structures (family, education, business, media/politics, arts/entertainment, government/military, and religion), God's VIP Christians will have to lead the way. When Jesus asked "Who do people say I am" Peter said "You are Christ the Son of the Living God." If we were to ask our families, friends, neighbors, colleagues, and coworkers, "Who do people say we are," would people know us as God's VIP Christians? 

Check your VIP status and see the gap in your gospel and be the successful Christian God has created from eternity. The VIP Christian is first in the VIP Series consisting of the "The VIP Prayer", "The VIP Family", The VIP Education", The VIP Church" and the "VIP Business"

The VIP Christian