Kingdom Principles & Doing Business God's Way

Inspired by the Holy Spirit. Pray, Practice & Prosper - By Doing Business God's Way.

Because our ways are not His ways, we have allowed ourselves to think about money and wealth incorrectly. As a result, in 2008, the United States experienced the worst global economic crisis since the Great Depression of 1930’s. Can it happen again? Of course. Can it be prevented? Yes, with the right attitude about the acquisition of personal and corporate resources.

This is a one year devotional book describing these attitudes and how best to put them into practice. This book focuses on the needs of those in the marketplace, spending the majority of their lives working at their career.

God can mold your character to become who and what God has called you to be. It is done through the gift of the Holy Spirit which creates a clear vision that will guide your daily choices. As you make these choices, following the leading of the Holy Spirit, you can develop habits that grow character, improve decision making and prosper every aspect of your life with the right attitudes. Your job IS your ministry and spending 40+ hours a week at work is a great opportunity to live life God called you to live... even as you prosper through it.

Theology 101 In Bite Size Pieces

Award Winning Author,
Judy Azar LeBlanc

The word theology tends to lead people to think that it is only meant for seminarian scholars; however, the word speaks for itself by the sole definition of "the study of God's Word." Theology 101 takes a fresh look at God's Power, Character, Love, Nature, and what the finished work of Christ meant to the world in bite size portions.

It offers scripturally based truths of some of the riches of His Divine Grace that include answers to thought provoking questions such as what is predestination; who are the chosen; the called, and the elect.

The author uses everyday language to explain what it means to be justified, reconciled, forgiven, and offers a clear and easy to understand explanation of why practicing merited grace contradicts Christ's finished work on the cross.

Marketing A Global Audience - Christian Book Marketing

When it comes to building a online presence for the Christian author, Christian Book Marketing offers expanded services that provides Christian authors with a unique and powerful marketing plan. In today's economic market coupled with the increase of book releases through the self publishing industry and print on demand, authors need to pursue expanded marketing programs to compete within the market. This requires making the right choices and pursuing the right markets.

Christian book marketing requires tapping into the Christian marketplace while also tapping into the secular marketplace. This requires the ability to tap into both market places through expanded networking. That's where Christian Book Marketing can place a Christian author at the forefront.

From building and launching authors websites, author pages, blogs, expanded marketing programs, social communities, book trailers, book reviews, book cover designs, editing and print ready files for publishing. Christian Book Marketing is dedicated to providing professional and quality services to it's authors.

"Let CBM, Christian Book Marketing promote and market your Christian title"

Imagine God - A Must Read Book

Title: Imagine God
Author: H. Eric Fearman
ISBN # 978-1-61638-221-6
Review Date: November 05, 2010

Reviewed By: Brenda of CBM Book Reviews
9.5 on a scale of 10.0 stars
“Imagine God” is one of those books that you will not want to put down. Like fresh manna from heaven, the book is masterfully and beautifully written, full of wise counsel, filled with life changing applications and is simply a blessing to read.

Author H. Eric Fearman, dispels darkness and ushers in God’s glorious light by revealing eternal biblical truths about mankind’s God given imagination from a biblical and practical perspective. The author brings to the forefront that all knowledge begins with God, His living Word and God’s plans and purposes in our lives. This book will enable every reader to take hold of powerful kingdom truths.

Carefully constructed through diligent meditation and instruction from God’s Holy word, “Imagine God” will not only encourage you on a deeper walk with God, but also stir your heart to dig deeper into God’s precious word. This book is a faith builder that will help to guide you into greater depths of God’s plans and purposes for your life. “Imagine God” shares pearls that open doors to kingdom principles and truths that will enable you to live a prosperous and abundant life through the simplicity of the understanding of who you are in Christ and the gifts that God has blessed you with.

If applied, the teachings in this book will not only change your inner life, but also cause an inner awakening to be birthed with in you. As someone who reads books authored by many within the body of Christ, “Imagine God” opened my heart to some fresh and exciting realities.

If you desire a closer walk with God, then read this book and allow yourself to embrace the powerful spiritual truths set forth. This book will enrich your life, expand your faith and provide you with fruit bearing seed from God’s Word.
God created us in His image and God created our imagination. This book through sound biblical insight built upon the scriptures that God, the creator of all things, created our imagination and works through our imagination is an excellent read. “Imagine God” describes the process of the mind of man whereby the renewal of the mind through God’s word will cause you to see yourself as God sees you and enable you to accomplish His will, His plans and His purposes for your life through accessing the imagination that God gave you.

This is a must read for every believer, those seeking a deeper relationship with God and is a blessing to the body of Christ.

Imagine God by H. Eric Fearman

Highly Recommended
9.5 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars
Review by: Brenda of CBM Book Review’s

Todays Best

Make sure to give today your very best ... and your tomorrows will be like sweet fruit.

Book Marketing For The Self Published Author

Book marketing for the self published author has become very popular in the sense that many authors are attempting the book marketing craze themselves. No doubt that there is a very competitive and challenging market out there when it comes to book marketing and sales. Authors from all walks of life are taking on self book marketing to save money. Creating sites, joining authors sites, networking with other authors and so on. However, where does one start at when it comes to creating a book marketing plan?
Here are some suggestions.
1) First is your .com. Every author should have their own .com and one that is tailored to the author or book.
2) Every author should have a professional well laid out authors web site.
3) Every author should have a professional well laid out blog.
4) Every author must create a online network that markets the above.
Having a authors web site, a authors blog and your own .com is the first steps to creating a online book marketing strategy. By getting your own .com, having a professional authors web site built and a professional blog designed and built you will have accomplished the three most important parts of creating a successful on book marketing strategy.
Here is a site with more information about book marketing for the self published author.

Promote Your Book For The Holidays

It's that time. Time to start putting a plan together to promote your book for the holidays. Did you know that in November and December book sales increase? Stands to reason with all those stocking stuffers and Christmas presents. Just imagine all the books that are purchased for and during the holiday season.

The purpose of this post is to spark some life into you regarding your holiday season book marketing. You don't want to wait till the last minute to come up with a marketing plan and try to put that plan into motion. The smart author will have a marketing plan ready and start putting that marketing plan into motion by mid October and stay the course through the holiday season.

Christian Book Marketing Summers End Blowout

With summer soon ending and the holidays just around the corner. Christian Book Marketing is offering some great author promotions and book marketing packages at blow out prices. So if you are looking to expand your marketing, reach and tap into the Christian marketplace, visit CBM Christian Book Marketing

Dianne Sagan - The Fisherman's Wife

The Fisherman’s Wife

Synopsis: Johanna marries the man she has loved since they were both children, but it doesn’t turn out quit like she’d dreamed. Her husband Simon works hard at his fishing business on the Sea of Galilee. Johanna established her home, but struggles at giving Simon the children they both want. Her society shames her. They live in a world ruled by Rome and filled with rumors, rebellion, and messiahs. When a new rabbi arrives and calls Simon to follow him, she is left alone and must choose what to believe.

Rebekah Redeemed

Synopsis: Orphaned Rebekah becomes a servant in her uncle’s house in Bethany. Traded from relative to relative, she suffers neglect and abuse. When a Roman soldier assaults her, she flees in fear of her life and hides. Rebekah is discovered and Lazarus becomes her kinsman redeemer. Can Jesus redeem her soul? Can she forgive or break the chains of her past?

Shelter From the Storm

Synopsis: Brittany Camp flees to a short-term shelter for battered women as the worst snow storm in 50 years hits Seattle. She uses the judicial system to fight for her family’s safety but finds herself only one step ahead of her volatile husband who is bent on killing her. This story focuses on courage and hope for a better life rather than the actual violence. Brittany’s journey shows the development of her emotions and personality as she learns how to face the fear and navigate the courts. Can she survive and save her children? Will the authorities believe her? How can she win when her husband, Abel Camp, is so charismatic? What if she loses her children?

A work of fiction, it is based on several women’s experiences. Its purpose is not only to give the reader a suspenseful novel, but to help raise awareness about the plight of the thousands of women who are abused every day. It helps those who never experience the terror to understand the victims, and shows victims that there is a way out that does not include taking personal revenge on their abusers.

Winning The Battle - Power Thoughts By Joyce Meyer

From Best Selling Author Joyce Meyer

12 Strategies To Win

Does Your Mind Wander? Are you bombarded with unhealthy, unfocused thoughts? Do you have trouble trying to get something out of your mind? You may be stuck in a mental rut. It’s time to get out! Joyce's upcoming book, Power Thoughts, will help you...

Take her bestselling book, Battlefield of the Mind, to the next level. Learn 12 specific thoughts to positively affect every area of your life. Learn how to think right thoughts on purpose, become decisive, confident and productive. Enjoy the powerful life God intended for you.

Casey Alden Presents Conspiracy

NOW AVAILABLE ON AMAZON – Conspiracy is the first novel in the Conspiracy series.

A mystery/thriller with elements of science fiction, it merges fiction with facts similar to Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code.

Conspiracy reveals the shadowy underside of the illusion we call reality, revolving around the discovery of an ancient shadow organization of immense power.

Reviews: “wild and unexpected”; “a real page turner”; “an unforgettable experience”. Michael Cross had a troubled past. Forces set into motion long before his birth put him in conflict with the ancient, secret organization. Who began the Brotherhood? How long had they existed? A hundred years? A thousand? In that time, they had gained massive power, even infiltrating governments. How can such an organization be destroyed? This is the task that Michael Cross faces. In his conflict with the Brotherhood he discovers a secret so overwhelming, so unimaginable that it changes his life forever.

One thing is certain–nothing is what it seems. Conspiracy is available through Amazon and for more information about the book Conspiracy visit Fehrman Books

The Author, The Book, The Cause

From author Kaylin McFarren comes a powerful novel about love, loss, and the power of forgiveness...

Successful yet emotionally stifled artist Kate Flaherty stands at the deathbed of her estranged father, conflicted by his morphine-induced confession exposing his part in her mother's death. While racing home, Kate's car mishap leads her to a soul-searching discussion with a lone diner employee, prompting Kate to confront the true reasons her marriage hangs in the balance. When her night takes an unexpected turn, however, she flees for her life, a life desperate for faith that can only be found through her ability to forgive.

Flaherty's Crossing is now available for purchase in two formats: eBook & Trade Paperback
Find the PDF and eBook version at Fictionwise,, Amazon, All Romance Ebooks, CTR, Sony, Mybookstoreandmore, and Mobipocket. Specify the Mobipocket version (.prc) for Kindles, and the .lrf for Sony readers.

For the trade paperback version, direct purchases can be made at: Champagne Books
And don't forget! 100% of the proceeds from sales of this book go directly to cancer research at Providence Medical Center.

It's Not All About Me - Life Interrupted

Life Interrupted
By Chris M. Tatevosian

Life Interrupted, It’s Not All About Me by Chris Tatevosian guides others with chronic illnesses to deal more positively with feelings of anger, self-pity and diminishing self-worth in order to keep their relationships strong and loving. Open, frank and filled with invaluable advice, this is a book for anyone who wants to deal positively with illness.

For more information about the author, the book and some great ministry visit Chris M.Tatevosian at Life Interrupted No Longer

Book Marketing Through The Power Of Book Trailers

Does a book trailer have to cost a arm and a leg? We can create those too, however and for the frual author looking to promote and market their book using the power of a book trailer, we can help put you on the map less all the hype and high cost.

Book Trailers are a great way to promote and market books. They can be displayed on author web sites, blogs, in networks, communities, social communities and wherever video’s can be hosted at or displayed at. You Tube is a perfect example of the video craze with millions of videos and daily users.

For years the motion picture industry has used movie trailers to advertise movies to movie lovers. Today, authors and publishers have found the power of marketing authors and books through book trailers.

Our graphic arts department can create a custom book trailer that showcases your book and you as author. We have various packages from the simple, yet affective book trailers, to the extravagant and expensive book trailers.

Book Trailer Productions

Author Book Trailer Marketing

Book Trailers & Book Trailer Marketing

A great book trailer is an important part of marketing books. The movie industry has used movie trailers for years and with great success. Today authors are using book trailers as a powerful marketing tool to promote and market thier books.

Usually after a book trailer is created it is uploaded to YouTube or another hosting company. That's just the beginning. Yes you can add your book trailer to your authors site, blog or web page, but what about extensive marketing. How do you use the marketing power of your book trailer to market your book?

Easy, have your book trailer posted on 25, 50, 75, or even 100 sites. Sites that are further networked and linked with other great networks, communities, sites and social sites through powerful feeds.

Here are some sites and pages of interest that share tips and information on book trailers and book trailer marketing:

Author Tracy Krauss Book Trailer


When an archaeologist uncovers an earthshaking discovery in the mountains of Zimbabwe, plenty of theories are unearthed to describe his find.

Canadian archaeologist Mark Graham digs up the remains of a pterodactyl, found carefully buried next to a set of gigantic human bones. What could his finding mean? Was there a race of giant humans who existed near the time of the dinosaurs? Or is the find a carefully planned hoax?

One theory speculates the existence of a race of giants, believed to have descended from both men and gods. The race is called Nephilim, and scientists scurry to find the truth behind the bones.

As sinister forces enter the picture and Graham is deceived by friends and colleagues, he struggles to safeguard the bones and his reputation so he can learn the mystery behind the Nephilim.

Visit Author TracyKrauss to find out more about this geart book And The Beat Goes On

Affordable Book Trailers

You don't have to pay a arm and a leg for a quality book trailer. I have had authors come to me sharing starting prices of over $300.00 for a pretty simple productions. Look no further. View the following video and contact us. We can work with you to create a quality book trailer that showcases you as author and your book.

Custom Book Trailer Creations & Productions Made Simple. Powerful, Affective & Affordable Book Trailers. For further information contact Smitty at

Book Trailers Made Simple, A Powerful Marketing Tool

Book trailers are a must for every authors. Authors and publishers alike use the power and effectiveness of book trailers to market books. The movie industry has used movie trailers for years to promote and market movies. Today book trailers are a part of the book industry and used by the industries # 1 publishers and million seller authors.

They are powerful, affective and a vital marketing tool. The problem is that they can be expensive depending upon the production and most authors shy away from the cost and don't realize the investment.

The following book trailer video offers a very cost affective book trailer that provides affective and powerful book trailer marketing that doesn't cost a arm and a leg.

Custom Book Trailer Creations & Productions Made Simple. Powerful, Affective & Affordable. For further information contact Smitty at

From Beverly Hills, Author Sandy Steele

The Beverly Hills Longevity Code is based on decades of research and interviews with the rich and famous who live by the code and live so healthfully so long without drugs and doctors.

“The Beverly Hills Longevity Code” is an alternative-health guide to help people avoid disease and enable robust productive lives. Sandy has appeared on CNN, LA Today, Hard Copy, E! Channel, Good Morning Seattle and numerous national TV & radio shows across the country and Europe.

For further information about Author Sandy Steele, The Beverly Hills Longevity Code and Sandy's new book release The Twilight of Sunrise Sunset be sure to visit Sandy Steele

Great Books, Great Reads, Great Authors

Looking for a great book release? View some of the great reads here at Book Promotions and be sure to visit the authors sites. You'll be amazed at what you find.

Book Promotions bringing you great books reads.

Joyce Meyer's New Book

Eat the Cookie...Buy the Shoes:
Giving Yourself Permission to Lighten Up

Joyce Meyer

Engrained in our culture is the belief that unbending discipline is the only sure way to success. You must go to the gym five times a week, never order the dessert, and don't even think about buying that dress you keep staring at in the store window. Breaking from such a regimented lifestyle is a sign of weakness, right? Wrong!-and Joyce wants to tell us why...

Though setting rules in our lives are important, it's just as important that we break them from time-to-time. Structure is a powerful tool, but when diverging from your own goals is seen as catastrophic, it can have a hugely negative effect on us. Balance is a core value in life and every once in awhile we deserve to indulge in a guilty pleasure or two. So don't feel bad about straying from your goals every once-in-awhile and in fact, embrace it: eat the cookie and buy the shoes!

For more information about Joyce Meyer's new book visit Eat The Cookie, Buy The Shoes.

Online Bookstores

What a world of books we have to choose from. There are volumes of books for book lovers to devour. From A to Z you can find it. Just imagine what all the books ever written would look like if there were all stacked up in one stack or stretched around the world.

Maybe you love reading fiction books, or quite possibly educational books, history books, classics, comedy or .... It doesn't matter what your likes are. There are volumes of books for everyone to read.

So where do you purchase your books at! Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, your local independent bookstore or possibly your favorite online bookstore. Here are a few sites for book lovers.

Abe Books
Barnes & Noble
Powell Books

Author Tracy Krauss

And The Beat Goes On
By Author Tracy Krauss

Race Of Giants, Nephilim?

When an archaeologist uncovers an earthshaking discovery in the mountains of Zimbabwe, plenty of theories are unearthed to describe his find.

Canadian archaeologist Mark Graham digs up the remains of a pterodactyl, found carefully buried next to a set of gigantic human bones. What could his finding mean? Was there a race of giant humans who existed near the time of the dinosaurs? Or is the find a carefully planned hoax?

One theory speculates the existence of a race of giants, believed to have descended from both men and gods. The race is called Nephilim, and scientists scurry to find the truth behind the bones.

As sinister forces enter the picture and Graham is deceived by friends and colleagues, he struggles to safeguard the bones and his reputation so he can learn the mystery behind the Nephilim.

For more information visit Author Tracy Krauss's authors page And The Beat Goes On

Online Book Promotions

In today's economy authors are trying to find cost affective ways to market their books. Many authors take the time to join communities trying to create book buzz and other authors choose various other means to promote and market their books.

Here are some ways that authors can create effective online book marketing to market their books.

1) Create a authors blog.
2) Create a links exchange program.
3) Market your authors blog and book on other blogs and sites.
4) Use the power of email to share your blog with others.
5) Network in other great communities.
6) Join at least 5 author book relates sites or communities.
7) Invest $150.00 to $300.00 in book promotions using a outside source for marketing.

Here are some sites of interest about book promotions and book marketing.

The Art Of Book Promotions

Is there a art to promoting books. Yes and it starts with gaining valuable information and following proven marketing techniques. Many times authors just jump into the self promoting river and go for it, usually following what other authors are doing. Other times authors fall into the authors site craze and start joining sites where other authors are all trying to sell their books at. While this may be fun and you might meet some great people online, rarely does it prove to be successful.

Spend sometime online learning, studying and getting information about book promotions. Learn the art of what's working and find out what's not working before you jump into it the self promotions river.

Remember, you didn't write your book overnight and even the editing was a process. Apply that also to book promotions. Do your homework first, get a feel for the market and find out what's best for you as a author and your book. Then, go for it. And above all, make sure that you have your own authors site or blog that showcases you as author, your books and all the right information.

  • If you need some assistance, advice or some direction, contact Smitty at

Spiritual Food

Here's a wonderful book written by Christine Prescott.

Spiritual Nutrition

Available at online bookstores everywhere.

Your Spiritual Nutrition

Book Promotions And The Christian Author

The Christian Marketplace

Promoting a Christian book can be challenging. Many sites that offer book promotions do not have the ability to promote a Christian book in the Christian Marketplace.

Christian Book Markerting offers targeted author promotions and book marketing within the Christian Marketplace through a network of christian sites that are well established and have a very large readership. Now that's good news.

For further information visit Christian Book Marketing. You can also view their network and sites at The Information Page.

Helping Authors To Promote Their Books

The Art Of Book Promotions

Promoting your books takes on a whole new world once you have published. Many authors attempt to self promote and market their books which can with lots of hard work prove to be successful. If that's you, I highly recommend that you spend some time on-line doing your homework before you start that process. At the very least, you will avoid some pitfalls while gaining lots of information. Plan on investing at least a full week educating yourself before you jump into the process.

However, many authors just don't have 5 to 6 hours each day to spend sitting at their computer online registering and joining sites and communities to attempt to create book buzz. Other times authors spend endless hours joining communities and social networks marketing their books and grow tired of the results only to end up feeling defeated.

If you are in the above frame of mind, contact Smitty at either Author Media Blogs and Book Marketing or Christian Book Marketing.

Carolyn Howard-Johnson

"I've worked with Smitty as a guest blogger. He always goes the extra mile or kilometer as the case may be and his caring attitude toward his clients is evident." ~ Carolyn Howard-Johnson, multi award-winning author

The Frugal, Smart & Tuned In Editor

Kaylin McFarren, Author

I recently had the opportunity to work with Smitty in regard to marketing my new release, Flaherty's Crossing. All I can say is every dollar has been well-spent. He is incredibly detailed, professional, and caring. My name, book, and trailer have appeared on hundreds of sites and the exposure has been unbelievable. As a direct result of his tremendous efforts, Flaherty's Crossing has become one of the hottest and most ordered items at Champagne Books.

I truly can't recommend anyone more highly.

Kaylin McFarren, Author
Flaherty's Crossing, Now Available
Kaylin McFarren
Flaherty's Crossing

Something Of Interest

Award-winning poets Carolyn Howard-Johnson and Magdalena Ball have never met. In fact they live on different continents. But that hasn't stopped them from collaborating on a series of poetry chapbooks designed to replace trite greeting cards with real sentiment. With their 'celebration series', the two have developed a new concept for inexpensive holiday gifts.

Their chapbooks of poetry include Cherished Pulse (for anyone you love) with artwork from California artist Vicki Thomas, and She Wore Emerald Then (for mothers on your gift list) with photographs by May Lattanzio. A new booklet titled Imagining the future will be released over the next few weeks in time for Father's Day 2010, with further books for women everywhere, and there is a Christmas chapbook in the works.

The small books, a tradition in the poetry world since Elizabethan times, are priced to compete with greeting cards and provide real poems, designed, for the same price as a high end card, to go far beyond the cliché sentiments in most greeting cards.

Now both of these poets' collaborations, Cherished Pulse, and She Wore Emerald Then, have been released on the high profile site, and can be read in over nine digital formats on any computer or portable reading device anywhere in the world. Smashwords unique technology allows the work to be available into every format used by the millions of new e-book readers that are flooding the market. Even as the hardware and software change, the author's words will remain available to readers. This is quite a revolution for both authors, both of whom started their writing careers when the latest technology was a typewriter and carbon paper for copies.

Magdalena Ball runs the highly respected review site. She is the author of the poetry book Repulsion Thrust, which was published in December 2009 to unanimous 5-star reviews. Her novel Sleep Before Evening, published in 2007, was a Next Generation Indie Book Awards Finalist.

Carolyn Howard-Johnson's poetry appears frequently in review journals. She is listed in Poets & Writers and her chapbook of poetry, Tracings ( ), was given the Award of Excellence by the Military Writers Society of America. She is also an award-winning novelist and short story writer and instructor for UCLA Extension Writers' Program.

For more information on any of the chapbooks in this poetry series, contact either of the authors or visit media rooms at or